YA! (upcoming 2024) 
At the center of this immersive and interactive dance choir is the plant yarrow. Nine humans are weaving fragments of melodies received by yarrow into time-fogging moving sound fields.
Trying to step into the ever fleeting moments of yarrow´s sphere, they wonder how they can show up without destroying its elusive nature with their human bones and flesh.
YARROW- what stores, what charges
what is carried away with the wind and disappears
YARROW- the constant in the disappearance
the mirror of oneness is the multitude
This process marks a new chapter in Angela Vitovec´swork. For the first time the artist is working with a bigger group of performers from Theater Thikwa and introduces them to her specific methods of encountering plant entities.
Choreography and creation: Angela Vitovec in co-creation with yarrow
Creation and performance: Kate Nankervis, Debrecina Arega, Kristin Feuerer, André Nittel, Laura Rammo, Frank Schulz, Heidi Bruck, Laura Siegmund, Ann Trépanier in co-creation with yarrow
Set design: Folke Koebberling with a wooden floor built and designed by David Herman
Outside eye: Ana Lessing Menjibar
Voice coach: Irena Tomazin
Production: Theater Thikwa Berlin